Seminar on Electrical, Informatic and Its Education (SEIE) 2013

Deadline: 31 September 2013

Cloud computing is when the user use servers that are not stored in user's location, not owned by user, and not maintained by user, to provide the user with the programs that user use and to store and retrieve user's data. This is contrast to hosting and maintaining own server, loading and updating own software, and storing and backing up own data. Today, the development of cloud computing is raised rapidly. There are many companies develop this model and a many kinds of cloud computing appeared. Such as Ubuntu one's Canonical Ltd and SkyDrive’s Microsoft as cloud storage, Google apps and office web apps as cloud application, and windows azure as cloud operating system. More important, it provide a lot of benefits for education. Nowadays, at first glance it sounds a little scary since it relies on someone other than ourselves and our own organization for services that are most likely critical to our operation. So why are schools increasingly turning to cloud computing as an alternative? Several reasons we have found why this to be the right solution for our educational system are: Saving money, Saving time, Anytime anywhere access, Reduced compatibility issues, Increased collaboration, Increased services offered, Foundation for new projects, Peace of mind, And many more. For those in education sector. "the cloud" can seem like a nebulous and unattainable technology goal, used only by large enterprises and corporations. But the cloud has the power to drastically advance the goals of the educational system: to make it easier for institutions to empower their students to succeed while at the same time cutting costs and expanding accessibility.

"Cloud Computing and Its Application on Education"

Organized: Electrical Engineering Dept. University of Malang

1.     Electrical Engineering
2.     Informatic Engineering
3.     Education

Keynote Speaker:
1.     Karl Tan (Nanyang Technology University Singapore)
2.     Dominic Powell (Microsoft Asia Pasific)

Rundown Event:
Abstract Submission: 5 May-31 September 2013
Abstract Acception: 31 September 2013
Fullpaper Submission: 5 September 2013
Seminar Day: 5 October 2013

I Made Wirawan - 081805191945
Samsul Arifin - 085730703604

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